Masatoshi HIBINO and Nobutomo OSANAI


These days, nearly700,000sediment‐related disaster hazard areas are designated in Japan. Although the population may decline rapidly in the near future, the number of dangerous areas which need countermeasures would not decrease likewise. Also it is concerned that installing disaster prevention facilities would be difficult to proceed, especially in mountainous areas. Non‐structural measures such as warning evacuation and land use restrictions have also been carried out, but they have not functioned so sufficiently. To avoid a crisis, promoting to move from hazardous areas is surely the most secure policy, but it has not been applied as much for various reasons. On the other hand, infestations of COVID‐19 has accelerated remote work, and lifestyles that do not fix places of residence in one place have spread at a stretch. Considering these changes, it might be possible to promote a lifestyle of living in two bases, one to live in general, and another as a safe place to avoid disasters. This might be a better solution rather than completely relocating from dangerous areas. In this paper, the required conditions for managing such a policy to arrange this lifestyle are pointed out. It is needed to extract areas where these measures are highly effective. Also, ensuring profitability by collaborating with local governments’ redevelopment projects might be effective.

Key words

two‐base residence, relocation, sediment‐related disaster hazard area, disaster prevention measures