What measures are taken with sabo?
There are basically two types of measures taken with sabo: structural measures including construction of sabo dams and nonstructural measures including early evacuation. It is important to combine these measures. Japanese sabo technology leads the world, so much so that the term sabo is now used internationally, and Japan also actively communicates with the rest of the world about sabo.
What is the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering (JSECE)?
The JSECS is an academic association established in 1951 to promote advancement of the study of sabo, develop measures for sediment disasters, improve the capability of sabo engineers, protect the lives and properties of people from sediment disasters, and help ensure social development. The JSECE has over 1,800 members including people working for universities, governmental organizations and private companies. Our aim is to be an academic association dedicated to sabo open to anybody in Japan.
What activities does the JSECE do?
The JSECE conducts surveys and research on what causes sediment disasters to occur and what measures are necessary to prevent such disasters and protect people’s lives and assets, and incorporates the results into actual implemented measures. We conduct a range of activities to contribute to making our country safe and prosperous.