Multiple Discriminant analysis on the topographical factors of the deep - seated slope failure - induced debris flow occurrence
Takashi YAMADA, Noriyuki MINAMI, Hideaki KIKUCHI and Ikuto MIURA 23
Debris flow warning and evacuation system aided by GIS A case study model for Oshima County Yamaguchi Prefecture
Katumi SENOO, Tooru TAKAHASHI, Yoshinori ARAKI, Kohei FURUKAWA and Takahisa MIZUYAMA 30
The difference of runoff peak response time in upstream of Ibi River underlain by different geology
Yuko KATO, Yuichi ONDA, Takahisa MIZUYAMA, Ken-ichiro KOSUGI, Ai YOSHIKAWA, Maki TSUJIMURA, Koji HATA and Masao OKAMOTO 38
Report of woody debris disaster at Yosasa River on August 1998 in Tochigi
prefecture, Japan
Noriyuki MINAMI, Yasuhiro DOI, Nobutomo OSANAI, Shinji TAKESAKI, Yasuyuki NAKAYAMA, Katsuya NONAKA and Shiro MASHIKO 44