Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering, Vol.66, No.6, 2014

Site prediction of potential deep]seated landslides by using electric conductivity of mountain stream water


Recently, there have been many deep]seated landslides in Japan. The deep]seated landslides were a result of rising groundwater levels caused by heavy rainfall, deeply weathered rocks, and hydrogeomorphological formation of underground areas that are prone to the storage of groundwater. Some methods for site prediction of potential deep]seated landslides were examined based on geomorphic, geological and hydrological surveys. This study aimed to develop a method for predicting the sites of potential deep]seated landslides by using mountain stream water. To this end, I measured the electric conductivity of mountain stream water in the upstream direction. The distribution map of the measured electric conductivity helped to predict the sites of potential deep]seated landslides.

Key wordsFdeep]seated landslide, prediction, mountain stream water, electric conductivity, spring water

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