Taro UCHIDA, Yuki NISHIGUCHI, Yasutaka TANAKA, Jun’ichi KANBARA and Wataru SAKURAI
In steep mountainous regions, not only soils but also weathered bedrocks are sometimes sliding simultaneously. These landslides often move rapidly and trigger debris flow and sometimes induce landslide dam. In this study, these landslides are referred to “deep]seated rapid (catastrophic) landslide" (hereafter DCL). In the last decade, several methods for assessing DCL susceptibility have been proposed. However, it is still difficult to assess (1) probable scale of future DCL and (2) the area prone to DCL. Here we proposed new method for assess DCL induced hazard of each village. In this method, we surrogate the potential hazard induced by DCL as the number of historical disasters due to DCL. The number of historical disaster was estimated by the number of ancient landslide scars, area of scars and distance between scars to villages.
Key wordsFdeep]seated rapid (catastrophic) landslide, disaster risk assessment, empirical method,landslide dam, debris flow