Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering, Vol.62,No.3,2009

Debris disasters caused by heavy rainfall around Hofu City in Yamaguchi Prefecture on July 21, 2009

Kohei FURUKAWA, Masahiro KAIBORI, Tetsuya KUBOTA, Takashi JITOUSONO, Yutaka GONDA, Shigemitsu SUGIHARA, Shin]ichiro HAYASHI, Akihiko IKEDA, Yoshinori ARAKI and Yoshiaki KASHIWABARA


The deluge on July 21 2009 in Yamaguchi, with the area's exceptionally heavy rainfall of 297mm, maximum intensity 72.5mm/hr and countless traces of debris flow, resulted in tremendous damage and high number of causalities in the area. Hence, urgent field investigation and reconnaissance were conducted by the society to overview this sediment related disaster. Here, the various results and the information obtained through this investigation were reported, mentioning the damages, the meteorological condition featuring precipitation, geologic]geomorphologic features and hydraulic characteristics of the debris flows, vegetation effects, and the efficiency of Sabo facilities against the sediment runoff in this disaster.

Key wordsFdebris disasters, heavy rainfall, efficiency of Sabo

Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering
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