Akira MATSUOKA, Takao YAMAKOSHI, Keiji TAMURA, Yoshiki NAGAI, Jun MARUYAMA, Toshiaki KOTAKE, Kiichiro OGAWA and Satoshi TAGATA
The Mid Niigata prefecture Earthquake (M6.8) that occurred on 23 October 2004
caused numerous number of landslides and landslide dams in the Imo River basin
(A38 km2) in Niigata Prefecture, Japan, altering sediment yield and discharge
processes. Especially, a landslide that occurred in the Higashi]Takezawa district
formed a large dam that reached as high as 30m. Snowmelt and rain events produced
more landslides in the river basin in the following years. We conducted multi]temporal
aerial and terrestrial LiDAR surveys to clarify the post]seismic sediment dynamics
in this seismically disturbed mountainous watershed. The surveys revealed the
following: 1) The total amount of post]seismic sediment discharge obtained by
multi]temporal bathymetric surveys coincided fairly well with that of the post]seismic
sediment runoff, as revealed by the multi]temporal aerial LiDAR surveys. 2)
The gully erosion and very small]scale collapses caused by snowmelt or snowcover
could be detected by the multi]temporal terrestrial LiDAR surveys.
Key wordsFLiDAR survey, DEM differences, sediment dynamics, earthquake, shallow