Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering, Vol.59,No.3,2006

Education method for sediment]related disaster prevention based on the combination of
field seminar and teaching hydraulic apparatus use for schoolchildren

Takashi YAMADA Michiya IRASAWA Hajime SATO


Scientific and practical education method for sediment]related disaster prevention was presented for schoolchildren. This method was based on the combination of seminar in debris flow prone torrents and teaching hydraulic apparatus use in a classroom. We conducted three]hours classes in May and June,2005, based on the above]mentioned method for each three elementary schools in the Appetsu River watersheds ,Hokkaido ,where was damaged by the 2003 typhoon No.10. We taught the schoolchildren conception of watershed, occurrence of sediment]related disaster due to slope failure and debris flow in watershed, role and its criteria of Sabo facilities, critical rainfall amount for debris flow generation, importance of early evacuation. Changes in the schoolchildren understanding of the contents of the class were investigated through three times questionnaire.

Key words:education method, sediment]related disaster prevention, schoolchildren, field seminar, teaching hydraulic apparatus, questionnaire

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