Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering, Vol.56,No.5,2004

Hydrogeomorphological Characteristics of a Deep]seated Landslide in the Harihara River Basin, Izumi City, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan

Takashi JITOUSONO, Etsuro SHIMOKAWA, Masatoshi SAKO, Yukiyoshi TERAMOTO


A deep]seated landslide occurred in the Harihara River basin on the western flank of Mt. Yahazu]dake, an old volcano, in Izumi City, Kagoshima Prefecture on July10,1997.This study aimed to examine the hydrogeomorphological characteristics of this landslide. Topographical and geological surveys, and hydrological observations were carried out in the Harihara River basin. This paper clarifies the geological structure around the deep]seated landslide site from some boring surveys. Further, the responses of discharges, electric conductivity and temperatures of river and spring water to storms, the response of the groundwater level around the landslide site, and the runoff characteristics are examined by analyses of hydrological data obtained from1999to2002.The fundamental data needed to examine the mechanisms of the occurrence of this deep]seated landslide have been obtained; and enable the prediction of sites with high potential for such a landslide.

Key words:hydrogeomorphology, deep]seated landslide, hydrological observation, Harihara River
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